Monday, February 2, 2009

Opt. Appearence form

Optional Appearance, via Registered Mail, for the
Limited Purpose of Accepting for Value the Charges
Notice by: (first name), , family of (last)
city, State zip
Notice, by Optional Appearance, for:
(name of judge),, d/b/a _________ COUNTY COURT JUDGE
c/o CITY OF ________
city, State zip
via Registered Mail: “________”, Return Receipt Requested
The following “Optional Appearance, via Registered Mail, for the Limited Purpose of Accepting for Value the Charges” is made explicitly under reserve and without recourse.
In the matter of: THE STATE OF _______ Citation No. _______
In the name of God, amen. I, me, addressee: (first name), family of (last), a sovereign without the UNITED STATES, hereby give notice (name of judge), d/b/a (name of judge), MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE for the CITY OF ________, of my acceptance for value, by optional appearance, of the charges stated in THE STATE OF _________ Citation No. ________. I am a belligerent claimant of all of my rights. I deny I am a corporation. I deny I am a beneficiary of the Trust known as "THE STATE OF _______". Notice to the agent is notice to the principal. Notice to the principal is notice to the agent.
(name of judge) , d/b/a (name of judge), MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE for the CITY OF __________, I want to pay you the honor and respect you deserve by accepting your Oath of Office. I am proud that when you said “so help me God”, you promised the people of Arizona that you would uphold the Constitution for the United States of America and the Constitution for Arizona, and that in your private contract with me, you have promised to protect all of my rights found at the Bill of Rights at the Constitution for Arizona. I am proud that you have promised to protect all of my rights, and I trust you will honor your private contract with me and not allow any third-party agents to interfere in your duty to me.
Acceptance for Value of the Agent’s Offer of Contract
Staying in honor, I, me, addressee:(first name), family of (last), a sovereign without the UNITED STATES, hereby and herein accept for value and consideration, your presentment, along with all of the charges contained therein, in return for discharge, settlement and closure of STATE OF __________ Citation No. ________, and AUTOTRIS Account No. _______, and CUSIP Account No. _______. Social Security No. ___-__-____. Please use my exemption for the discharge, settlement and closure of this account as this account is pre-paid and exempt from levy. If you need me to sign the Appearance Bond, or any other exempt exchange item in order to discharge the debt, just let me know.
Request for Copy of the Bond(s) Underwriting the Action(s) Claimed
I hereby and herein duly request a copy of all bonds underwriting the action(s) claimed. With that information, I can provide any exemption instruments you may need in order to fully and completely discharge the bonds at STATE OF _________ Citation No. ______, and AUTOTRIS Account No. _______, and CUSIP Account No. _______.
The foregoing is an instrument under contract law, and I hereby and herein explicitly reserve all of my rights without recourse. Failure to respond, nihil dicit, within three business days of receipt, establishes your unconditional acceptance of the foregoing.
You have been noticed.
Verification: I verify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed, at arm’s length, on the ____th day of the ____th month in the year of our Lord, two-thousand, ____, at the county of _________.
Attachments: Original instrument/presentment, attached hereto and made a part hereof, entitled: “CITATION”, numbered _______, duly marked: “Staying in honor, I hereby Accept for Value and Consideration, your presentment, along with the charges contained therein, in return for full discharge, settlement and closure of STATE OF ________ Citation No. ________, and AUTOTRIS Account No. _______, and CUSIP Account No. ________”
Dated: _____, A.D. 200___ Endorsement: _______________
By: (first name), family of (last),
&n bsp; a sovereign without the UNITED STATES,
&n bsp; acting as the Authorized Representative

Notarty: ____________________Seal

Witnessed by: _________________________
Witnessed by: _________________________


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